Prayers & Reflection

Here’s a few simple daily prayers centered around being Holy Spirit led along with a few questions below to ask yourself daily with each prayer prompt. May you be filled and covered today!


Hey God, thank You for the chance to recognize what it means to be led by the Spirit. I do not always know how to respond when You are leading me, but I am aware that You are present to lead me. Help me to recognize when it is You and not my own flesh. Amen.

Reflection question: How can I become more attuned to recognizing and responding to the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life?


God, please guide my footsteps today when they feel heavy. Help me to see that when You lead, every step is intentional and purposeful. Thank You for every step that becomes lighter when You carry me through. Amen. 

Reflection question: In what ways can I surrender my burdens and allow God to guide my steps — making each one intentional and purposeful?


Today, I pray that I am able to hear You clearly. There is a lot of chaos around me Lord but it is not and cannot be louder than Your direction. Please calm the chaos and help me to be reminded that You will not lead me to a place where my faith will fail. Amen. 

Reflection question: How can I create an environment of calm amidst the chaos around me, so that I can better hear and follow God's direction?


God, Your promptings are gentle and necessary. May I continue to be open and have a teachable heart. Help me to discern when I am operating within my own will and way and not within You. Send reminders that I do not need to lead myself when You have me in Your perfect arms. Amen.

Reflection question: What steps can I take to cultivate a teachable heart and remain open to God's gentle promptings in my life?


To be intentional, you have to pull away from distractions — Netflix, social media, your laptop, and just the constant noise in your life — and find a way to separate yourself so you can be fully aware of who you are speaking with.

Reflection question: How can I prioritize checking in with God more deeply on Fridays, allowing Him to restore my soul and fill me anew?


It’s Friday, God. While I may want to mentally check out, I pray you help me check in deeper with You. Lead me to the space where the waters are still and to where you restore my soul. I need to be filled again by you. Psalm 23:2-3

Reflection question: How can I actively seek God's guidance and allow His Word to be a lamp that illuminates my path?


Can I just say 'Thank you'? Thank you that your Spirit that dwells within me Lord. You guide me gracefully. 

Reflection question: How can I express sincere gratitude to God for the indwelling presence of His Spirit and the graceful guidance He provides in my life?


Finding Your Peaceful Space


Prayer Tips