Prayer Tips

Here are 8 prayer tips from our heart to yours.

  1. Decide on a consistent place

One of the most beautiful things about the privilege of communicating with our Creator is that we can do it anywhere and at any time. However, sometimes that 'anywhere and any time' can turn into nowhere and never. Find a place that is quiet. Be intentional.

2. Pray personalized scripture

Instead of “If God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” 1 John 4:11. Say “If God so loved me, I also should love ______ [Add those who you are truthfully having a hard time with. Be honest]

3. Pray at any time, any place

I promise I am not contradicting point # 1! Yes, prayer should be prioritized and scheduled as mentioned above. But it should also be spontaneous. We are to “pray without ceasing”. That means praying while washing dishes, driving, at work, etc. — pray always.

4. Set an alarm to go off daily

The more we pray, the more it becomes a practice to 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 to pray. To do this, you need to build it into the rhythm of your day any way you can: leave notes around your home, set an alarm on your phone, put it in your planner. Building intimacy and consistency with Christ takes intentionality.

5. Withdraw

To be intentional, you have to pull away from distractions — Netflix, social media, your laptop, and just the constant noise in your life — and find a way to separate yourself so you can be fully aware of who you are speaking with.

6. Pray out loud

Still wearing a face mask? They’ll never know 👀. “Pray without ceasing”.

7. Pray in specifics

Tell God what you need in and thank Him in specifics [Matt. 20:30-34].

8. Pray with awareness

Sometimes I catch myself just talking during prayer. Not even listening to myself nor being intentional with my words. Just talking while simultaneously daydreaming about other things. Can you relate to that? Instead, imagine physically being at Jesus’ feet praying to Him; I imagine Him directly in front of me and that’s when my prayer posture changes. Which prayer tip do you plan on adding to your routine?

An intentional prayer space facilitates regular encounters.

By designing a beautiful, quiet spot just for you, we hope to facilitate real-time connection.

Click here to head over to our services page and learn more about how we can come alongside you to make your dream prayer nook a reality - a space to release your cares to the Lord.


Prayers & Reflection


You’re only required to be human