Let’s Connect


Dom Perry

chicago based.
prayer space designer


Frequently Asked Questions


What is a prayer space?

A space in your home where you can go daily to connect with the Lord. A dedicated space custom designed for your home to help usher you into the presence of God to create intimacy with Him. You can of course meet the Lord in any room! There is no limit on the many ways He speaks but this is your dedicated space with Him.

Why do I need a prayer space?

Life is noisy and it is busy! There’s a million different distractions. There's nothing more important than having a space within your home to go to meet God daily free of distractions. It is through our prayers and consistency with Him that we hear His voice the most. From there purpose, direction, healing, restoration and the true peace that we seek is found through intimate relationship with our Creator.

What should I expect after I submit my questionnaire?

A free 30 - minute phone consultation will be scheduled. After consultation, the designer will expect a response within 3 days whether you would like to proceed. Upon confirmation, the designer will send a contract, welcome packet and invoice for deposit.

What should I expect after paying the deposit?

The designer will assign easy homework through a project management tool called Asana to have a space to communicate, to set reminders and keep you up to date on the process!

Will the designer clean the space first?

No. Designer requires space to be prepped and cleaned prior to arrival

Can you design a prayer space for our church or event?

Yes! Add details on our contact form under “Please tell me about your space”.

What is a custom prayer system?

Wall decor custom made for you. A simple visual to inspire a consistent prayer life! It is an effective system based on Philippians 4:6-7 “...but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And then the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and minds in Christ Jesus''. Each corner of the system will represent a point in Philippians 4:6-7..