True Story: She Tried to Commit Suicide

True story. I met a woman 5 minutes after she took a handful of ibuprofen…

Back in May of this year, I went to the doctor to get my vitamins checked. It was a Saturday morning and I almost rescheduled for the third time, but this time, I felt a nudge to go.

When I walked into the doctor's office, an unusual silence greeted me. To my surprise, I was the only patient there, the atmosphere was so calm whereas it is usually crowded.

After waiting for about five minutes, I heard someone call my name in a bland tone from across the room:


I got up and walked over to the nurse in the triage. Like routine, I knew to get on the scale to get my weight taken, I knew I would be asked my height, and I knew to sit in the corner to get my blood pressure taken before I am asked a few questions about why I was there to see my doctor.

As the triage nurse began to take the blood pressure cuff off, I finally looked up into her eyes, and I noticed that she had been crying…

I immediately told her gently it was ok to take a moment to pause and breathe…

And she did just that.

She took her moment and sat there crying it out as I sat there quietly in prayer. After a few moments, she then tells me she is ready to take me to the exam room to be seen.

She takes me to my room, tells me my doctor will be in with me shortly, and closes the door behind me. As I am waiting, I could NOT get her off my heart... I was deeply saddened, my heart was very heavy wishing there was a chance to say more. Wishing I had said had another chance to offer support…

I looked in my purse for a piece of paper thinking I could maybe leave her a scripture or a note of encouragement, and found nothing. I looked around the examination room, and to my surprise, I could not find any paper! I didn’t even have a pen.

But I kept praying.

Forty-five mins later after being seen by the doctor, a woman comes in to draw my blood, and it's the SAME woman. I looked into her eyes and I could see she had been crying STILL.

I gently asked her if she had a support system, someone to talk to. If she didn't, I assured her that she had me. I offered to lend a listening ear, regardless of knowing if she believed in Jesus Christ, I mentioned being willing to pray for or with her, reassuring her that it was okay to take a moment to pause.

She broke down even further, visibly shaking uncontrollably, and clutching her chest, unable to speak.

Without thinking, I rose from my seat and began to pray for her asking God to touch her with His healing hand.

After a few mins of prayer, she took a really deep breath and said, "I have something to say".

Through tears and so much heaviness, she said “Dominique, 5 minutes before you walked into the triage, I took a handful of ibuprofen. I do not have anyone to talk to and I have no purpose, God doesn't hear me"


I did not know this woman, I had never met her, but all I knew was this was a human being in need of genuine love...and immediate medical attention.

Without hesitation, I prayed once again, earnestly asking God to reverse the effects of the ibuprofen. Then, I positioned myself in front of her, lowering myself to her level, and began speaking to the child of God within her, speaking words of deep encouragement.

She was so fearful of losing her job for simply being human that she initially refused to let me seek help for her. However, after some time and I assuring her that as long as she had breath in her body, there was purpose in her life, she allowed me to grab a doctor she trusted, and together we were able to get her to seek medical attention

This week…

I encourage you to look up...look into people's eyes. See them past their titles, past what they have on, their flaws, etc. Everyone is carrying something incredibly hard, and you may be that very person that God will use to be an angel in their life.

When I woke up that morning, and almost rescheduled for the third time, I thought it was about me when I felt that tug on my heart to go. I thought “Wow, the Holy Spirit really needs me to go to the doctor, sheesh, I must really be sick…let me go!”

Well, it wasn’t just about me. I got my vitamins checked and my doctor told me “You are the most severely Vitamin D deficient patient I have ever treated in all of my career”.

However, when I think of every moment that happened that have led up to me going to that particular doctors office, on that specific date and time, it blows my mind away.

The first cancellation was due to a headache, and the second was because other plans came up. It's worth mentioning that I only had my vitamins checked because I had been experiencing unexplained fatigue and low mood, which had been worsening over the weeks. It was only through the intervention of my NEW therapist, whom I miraculously found just two weeks prior [a story for another time], that I was prompted to have my vitamins checked as part of investigating my symptoms.

All these little moments that felt so insignificant at the time were God precious nudges to get me to exactly where He needs me to be… and that is just God’s character. Kind, loving, intentional, and sovereign.

No circumstance is too insignificant for God to work through, and His purpose is constantly unfolding. Even my own health struggles served as a vessel for God's perfect timing positioning me precisely to be where He needed to reach one of His children.

Today, I encourage you to look up and realize that what you are going through isn't a matter of luck, bad luck, or even fate. God is sovereign, and you are in His will.

May you look beyond the surface, to see people not merely for their roles or appearances but as beloved children of God carrying burdens that are often unseen. Let us be attentive to the nudges of the Holy Spirit, open our hearts to extend genuine love and compassion, and be willing vessels for God's miraculous work.

And as you navigate your own journey, remember that God is intricately involved in every detail of your life.

What may seem like insignificant moments or challenges could be the stepping stones leading you to exactly where God intends for you to be the angel on Earth to someone, or for someone to be an angel to you :).

If you made it this far, trust in His sovereignty my sweet friend. Lean on His guidance, and remain steadfast in the knowledge that all things, even the seemingly impossible, work together for the good of those who love Him.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

And if you don’t know Jesus, He sees you. I truly pray you will find yourself deeply immersed this week in a personal experience with Him that will blow your mind!

Sending hugs,

XO, Dominique


You’re only required to be human


A guide to meditating on the Bible